Darlington Band Coordinator Justin Means selected to don the Purple Robe.
In the fall of each new school year the members of the Freshman Class sign the Purple Robe. The Purple Robe is then displayed in the Darlington High School foyer symbolizing their collective commitment for earning their high school diplomas. The encased robe on the wall bears witness year end and year out to the trials and triumphs of the student's journey. At the end of the 4 year journey while the students will wear their graduation robe as a symbol of their accomplishments, their challenged by the tradition of the purple robe to select one faculty member to join them as a representative of the perseverance, dedication and hard work of the faculty and staff at Darlington High School.
The class of 2020 overwhelmingly selected Mr. Justin Means to don the Purple Robe
Mr. Justin Means currently serves as the Coordinator of Band Operations. Mr. Means has held this position since 2015. As an alumnus of Darlington High School, Justin Means has served in many capacities and where's multiple hats.
Join us as we congratulate Mr. Justin Means for this great accomplishment!